Buttercup powerpuff
Buttercup powerpuff

buttercup powerpuff

Bratty Half-Pint: Though they're rather cheerful, the girls can sometimes become this when they want things to go their way.Bloodless Carnage: Flatten them with any type of giant rock? They'll come out completely unharmed.Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Bubbles is the blonde, Buttercup is the brunette, and Blossom is the redhead.Calling them "Powderpuff" Girls is usually another way to set them off.In "Candy Is Dandy", stealing candy from them is a huge button.Once they find out the truth, it turns into a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown. That being said, it's not a very good idea to deceive them. Due to their age, they can be a bit naïve at times, and easy to trick.Belly Buttonless: Due to them being created in a lab rather than being born naturally, they aren't depicted with belly buttons.Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter. Blossom, being the most intelligent of the group is the brains, while Buttercup being known as "the toughest fighter" serves as the brawn.īlossom, commander and the leader. Bubbles, being known as the "sweetest and cutest" one, is the beauty. Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup, respectively.Saying that Townsville becomes a Crapsack World is a massive Understatement. Barrier Maiden: "Speed Demon" shows a Bad Future about what would happen if they stopped being around to go after Him.Barbie Doll Anatomy: When naked whilst bathing in "Down N' Dirty" and "Princess Buttercup", they aren't depicted with nipples, though that's probably for the better, considering that this is a children's show.Badass Family: Especially so in "Powerprof", when the professor himself gets in on the action using Powered Armor.Badass Adorable: They take down Godzilla-sized monsters on a daily basis, and a member of their regular rogues gallery is the universe's resident Satanic Archetype.

buttercup powerpuff


The reporter in The Movie actually calls them "little bug-eyed freaks". Also leads to an in-universe case of the Uncanny Valley, since the girls' eyes, hands (or lack thereof), and proportions are often mentioned as being creepy and strange to the people they meet. Lampshaded in the movie where the Professor reveals that the reason why he named Buttercup that name is because it starts with a B. Notably Princess' name starts with a P and her double consonant is at the end instead of the middle of her name, she's the only Powerpuff esque character never to be acknowledged as part of the team or kept Chemical X powers. Alphabetical Theme Naming: All 3 girls (plus Bullet, Bunny and Bliss) have names that start with a B and have double consonant.Also, in "Town And Out" when they move into Citiesville, until they decide to move back to Townsville. All of the Other Reindeer: At first in the movie.Action Girl: They fight to the degree that it's a rite of passage for kaiju to get beaten by them.Even several of said villains respect the Girls, with it being considered a rite of passage for kaiju to attack Townsville and survive a bout with them. 100% Heroism Rating: They're universally beloved by the citizens of Townsville, with the various criminals and supervillains being the only ones who hate them.

Buttercup powerpuff